Shortcodes in Confirmation Settings

By following this article you will understand exactly what each of the shortcodes will display when the user puts them on a Confirmation Page.

Smart Shortcodes Available in FLuent Forms

General SmartCodes

  • Admin Email {wp.admin_email}
  • Site URL {wp.site_url}
  • Site Title {wp.site_title}
  • IP Address {ip}
  • Date (mm/dd/yyyy) {date.m/d/Y}
  • Date (dd/mm/yyyy) {date.d/m/Y}
  • Embedded Post/Page ID {embed_post.ID}
  • Embedded Post/Page Title {embed_post.post_title}
  • Embedded URL {embed_post.permalink}
  • HTTP Referer URL {http_referer}
  • User ID {user.ID}
  • User Display Name {user.display_name}
  • User First Name {user.first_name}
  • User Last Name {user.last_name}
  • User Email {user.user_email}
  • User Username {user.user_login}
  • User Browser Client {}
  • User Operating System {browser.platform}
  • Random String with Prefix {random_string.your_prefix}
  • {wp.admin_email} – This Shortcode will insert the email address of the site administrator from your WordPress settings.
  • {wp.site_url} – Retrieves the URL of the website.
  • {wp.site_title} – Display or retrieve site title.
  • {ip} – Sets the value from the user’s IP address.
  • {date.m/d/Y} – Sets the value from the current date in the denoted format, e.g. 04/25/1991.
  • {date.d/m/Y} – Sets the value from the current date in the denoted format, e.g. 25/04/2020.
  • {embed_post.ID} – It displays the ID of the singular post or page from which the entry was submitted.
  • {embed_post.post_title} – It displays the title of the singular post or page from which the entry was submitted.
  • {embed_post.permalink} – Sets the value from the current URL.
  • {user.ID} – Sets the value from the logged-in user’s ID.
  • {user.display_name} – Sets the value from the logged-in user’s display name.
  • {user.first_name} – Sets the value from the logged-in user’s first name.
  • {user.last_name} – Sets the value from the logged-in user’s last name.
  • {user.user_email} – Sets the value from the logged-in user’s email.
  • {user.user_login} – Sets the value from the logged-in user’s username.
  • {} – Sets the value from the logged-in user’s browser name.
  • {browser.platform} – Sets the value from the logged-in user’s OS name.
  • {random_string.your_prefix} – Generates random strings each time when the form loads. It will be useful for anyone who wants to generate a unique set of strings. You can change the prefix to any text you like.

Payment Details

  • Payment Receipt {payment.receipt}
  • Payment Summary {payment.summary}
  • Order Items Table {payment.order_items}
  • Payment Status {payment.payment_status}
  • Payment Total {payment.payment_total}
  • Payment Method {payment.payment_method}
  • {payment. receipt} – will show you the payment receipt including payment summary, order details, and customer details. Basically, {payment.receipt} is the combination of {payment.summary}, {payment.order_items}, and customer details.
Payment Receipt
  • {payment. summary} – will show the payment summary only.{payment.summary} combines {payment.payment_status}, {payment.payment_total}, and {payment.payment_method}. 
Payment Summary
  • {payment.order_items} – it shows the ordered items.
Order Items
  • {payment.payment_status} – it shows the current payment status.
  • {payment.payment_total} – it shows the total amount users are paying.
  • {payment.payment_method} – will show the payment method that the user chose to pay.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is pay8-1.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is pay11-1.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is pay10-1.png


  • {pdf.download_link} – Admin can give permission to download PDFs to the users and share encrypted URLs that the user can access.


  • {quiz_result} – It shows the results of the Quiz.

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