Advanced Form Validation in Fluent Forms

With the Fluent Forms advanced form validation feature, you can set rules for the user input, and based on the rules; you can prevent the form submission. This is a very useful feature for preventing spam/bot submissions.

Here is how you can set advanced form validation with Fluent Forms.

  • Go to Fluent Forms → All Forms.
  • Select the form you want the scheduling to be imposed on, and click the Edit button below it.
  • Click on the Settings & Integration tab on the top bar and stay on the Form Settings section. Scroll down to the Enabled Advanced Form Validation segment.
  • Toggle on the Enable Advanced Form Validation feature.
  • Using the Status option, you can Enable Advanced Form Validation. You can also choose the condition to proceed or fail the form submission.
  • You can select how the validation will apply with the Validation Type option. And based on your selection, the submission will be rejected if all conditions are met.
  • Using the Error Message option, you can write the error message if the form submission gets invalid.
  • Lastly, click the Save button to save the Advanced Form Validation settings.

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