Change Log

ATTENTION! This page is no longer updated.

Please follow this → updated version of the Fluent Forms Changelog for future update logs. Thank you!

5.2.4 (Date: October 1, 2024)

  • Fix calculation issue

5.2.3 (Date: September 30, 2024)

  • Adds form edit history (Beta)
  • Adds editor keyboard navigation and shortcuts
  • Adds form-specific permissions in the permission manager
  • Improved condition change event handling
  • Improved All Forms pages form ordering to retain on reload
  • Fixes exposing the conversational form URL
  • Fixes empty URL GET parameters in conversational form shortcodes
  • Fixes all form filter selections being retained on page reload
  • Fixes next button trapping keyboard focus
  • Fixes confirmation redirect URL handling for spaces
  • Fixes entries export issue for forms with a large number of fields (250+ fields)
  • Fixes dynamic SmartCodes in conditional fields
  • Fixes checkable field “not-equal” condition on conversation form
  • Fixes exporting numeric fields to Excel
  • Fixes label asterisk style with elementor widget
  • Fixes conditional logic with numeric formatting
  • Fixes Checkable Grid submission issue

5.2.2 (Date: September 11, 2024)

  • Update tested WordPress Version
  • Fixes Gutenblock widget

5.2.1 (Date: September 10, 2024)

  • Fixes custom error messages vulnerability (Allowing admin to inject script in custom error messages)
  • Fixes dropdown field in conversational forms after conditional multi-select
  • Fixes checkbox field “not-equal” condition in conversational forms

5.2.0 (Date: Aug 7, 2024)

  • Adds print entries
  • Adds context menu in editor
  • Fixes PDF feed watermarks
  • Fixes inactive conversational form pretty permalink
  • Fixes address field country hide label
  • Fixes GDPR attribute target=_blank
  • Fixes Cloudflare Turnstile multiple widget
  • Fixes PHP 8.3 deprecation warning
  • Fixes Inherit theme style for submit button preview
  • Fixes timezone change deprecated message
  • Adds dynamic field
  • Adds Image/File dropzone
  • Adds advanced filter for entries
  • Adds admin notification for Save & Resume
  • Adds ACF & JetEngine meta on user registration & update
  • Adds Vietnamese language support
  • Update Save & Resume button for only logged-in user option
  • Improves user update integration mapping
  • Improves OnePageCRM integration
  • Improves delete option on quiz setting
  • Fixes EUR currency subscription pending on Paypal
  • Fixes payment info on conditional Stripe embedded checkout
  • Fixes Stripe embedded checkout link option removal
  • Fixes payment items empty label quantity mapping
  • Fixes subscription from entry status change
  • Fixes inventory management ‘Show Available Stock’
  • Fixes radio button size not showing on styler
  • Fixes advanced report data accuracy upto 2 digits after decimal
  • Fixes Hong Kong’s phone numbers validation
  • Fixes JetEngine checkbox meta
  • Fixes Airtable integration phone number & number failure
  • Fixes GoogleMaps retrieval on address single subfield
  • Fixes user update repopulate meta key on address and name field
  • Fixes custom submit button colour picker uniform design
  • Fixes spout package conflict on entries export
  • Fixes server disabled u_name() function

5.1.20 (Date: July 25, 2024)

  • Fixes vulnerability in checkboxes (CVE-2024-6518, CVE-2024-6520) reported by WordFence
  • Fixes textarea fields sanitization and output vulnerability (CVE-2024-6521) reported by WordFence
  • Fixes conversational form welcome field ‘description’ and ‘btn_txt’ field vulnerability (CVE-2024-6703) reported by WordFence

5.1.19 (Date: June 11, 2024)

  • Adds injectable custom Vue component on form settings and global settings
  • Fixes integration update authorization vulnerability reported by WordFence
  • Fixes dynamic default values with default options
  • Fixes Elementor v3.0.0 deprecated class
  • Fixes phone field country container z-index
  • Fixes hidden turnstile margin
  • Fixes numeric-field name hyphen format

5.1.18 (Date: May 23, 2024)

  • Fixes cross form captcha error

5.1.17 (Date: May 16, 2024)

  • Improved capability check for global settings & manager settings
  • Improved capability check for global settings & manager settings
  • Adds label shortcode support in global default message
  • Changed type of source_url database column from varchar to text
  • Improved UX of form active/inactive loader
  • Improved keyword based restriction

5.1.16 (Date: May 6, 2024)

  • Fix editor vulnerability for attacker with contributor level access (WordPress version 6.4.0)
  • Fix conversational design settings sanitization & escaping
  • Fix conversational form save and resume preview form
  • Fix conversational form conditional based calculation field error

5.1.15 (Date: April 25, 2024)

  • Fix nested condition

5.1.14 (Date: April 19, 2024)

  • Improves conversational form sanitization & escaping

5.1.13 (Date: April 18, 2024)

  • Fix conversational form shortcode issue

5.1.12 (Date: April 18, 2024)

  • Adds Name Field on conversational form
  • Adds label shortcode
  • Improved container action UI
  • Fixes mask input on Elementor popup
  • Fixes coupon skip button text on conversational form
  • Fixes query string email symbol encode on redirect URL
  • Fixes redirect URL params with anchor
  • Fixes checkbox and radio smart UI keyboard tab navigation
  • Fixes name fields individual label placement
  • Fixes checkbox & radio field issues with condition

5.1.11 (Date: February 26, 2024)

  • Fixes URL escaping bug

5.1.9 (DATE: JANUARY 19, 2024)

  • Update Custom HTML field sanitization
  • Improves server side conditional settings validation

5.1.8 (DATE: JANUARY 19, 2024)

  • Fix step navigation button issue
  • Improves sanitization on form import

5.1.7 (DATE: JANUARY 17, 2024)

  • Adds Contact Form 7 Migration
  • Adds Inherit theme style support in form Styler
  • Adds Form Title smart code on confirmation
  • Adds more translations string
  • Adds Filter to skip validation of selectable inputs
  • Improves Admin Mobile responsiveness
  • Fix Conversational form Custom HTML automatically scrolls to bottom of page
  • Fix predefined form filter issue on form creation
  • Fix hidden field mapping on integration
  • Fix CC/BCC email on Email Notification Routing
  • Fix Sync visual report order with form fields order
  • Fixed nested conditional field

5.1.5 (DATE: NOVEMBER 23, 2023)

  • Fixes max length validation
  • Improves options validation
  • Improves date validation
  • Improves conditional logics

5.1.4 (DATE: NOVEMBER 22, 2023)

  • Fixes advanced country list issue

5.1.3 (DATE: NOVEMBER 22, 2023)

  • Adds support ACF field on Post revision & ACF rich-text value on Post Update Form
  • Improves Gravity Forms migration entries by status
  • Improves WP Forms migration fetch webhook feed
  • Improves AirTable integration
  • Fixes null value on mapping Post create feed
  • Fixes inventory quantity field issue
  • Fixes range slider required field value on render
  • Fixes temp attachment files deletion
  • Fixes checkable grid and repeater field data format on webhook
  • Fixes Google address autocomplete on elementor popup

5.1.0 (DATE: NOVEMBER 1, 2023)

  • Adds Global Search
  • Adds Global Default Validation Messages
  • Adds support for Fluent Booking in Conversational Form
  • Adds theme style inherit option.
  • Adds Form submission restriction based on Keyword
  • Adds a refresh button on form entries
  • Improves WPForms and Gravity Forms migration support for conditional logic mapping
  • Fixes URL cut-off on the Entries page
  • Fixes pagination in Forms and Entries pages
  • Fixes attachment preview in email notification
  • Fixes multiple numeric calculations in conversational forms
  • Removes total views from exported forms
  • added esc_* for dynamic properties

5.0.12 (DATE: OCTOBER 19, 2023)

  • Fixes theme selection bug

5.0.10 (DATE: OCTOBER 18, 2023)

  • Adds form preview in Gutenberg block
  • Adds form theme change support in Gutenberg block
  • Adds theme style inherit option
  • Fixed Form finder

5.0.9 (DATE: SEPT 8, 2023)

  • In active form submission prevented
  • Fixed compact mode entries view

5.0.8 (DATE: AUGUST 24, 2023)

  • Adds address field in conversational form with Google Map Support
  • Adds entries sort by column
  • Fixes integration other’s field add or remove behaviour
  • Fixes {all_data} and {all_data_without_hidden_fields} shortcode using together
  • Fixes global enabled captcha issue in conversational Form
  • Fixes form title update
  • Fixes Slack integration toggle
  • Fixes forms submission next & preview order
= 5.0.7 (DATE: JULY 18, 2023) =
- Fixes LiteSpeed caching issue
- Fixes dynamic shortcode bug
- Fixes style issues
- Fixes PDF issue for the checkbox field
- Fixes post update issue for block themes
- Fixes conditional issues for payment items
- Fixes Double Opt-In save issue
- Fixes entry export filter issue
- Improves email on iOS devices

= 5.0.5 (Date: June 28, 2023) =
 - Fixed Form Editor Update Error due to Old API

= 5.0.4 (Date: June 28, 2023) =
 - Styling Improvement for Gutenberg Editor
 - Fixed ModSec issues for Form Builder & Settings Update
 - Fixed Compatibility Issue with WP Fusion

= 5.0.3 (Date: Jun 26, 2023) =
 - Form Restrictions check improved
 - Email Notification improved
 - Visual Reporting issues fixed
 - Fixed issues with the REST API endpoints
 - Fixed Compatibility issue with Caching Plugins and Few other servers
 - Styling issues fixed
 - Deprecated hooks notices fixed
 - Litespeed cache compatibility issue fixed

= 5.0.1 (DATE: JUNE 22, 2023) =
- Hotfix: custom Editor shortcode compatibility issue fixed
= 5.0.0 (DATE: JUNE 22, 2023) =
- Revamped UI and better UX
- Global Styler Improvement
- The new framework for faster response
- Fixed issue with repeater field not appearing correctly on PDF
- Fixed issue with WPForm Migrator not properly transferring text fields to 
- Text input fields with correct maximum text length
- Fixed issue with entry migration
- Fixed number format in PDF files
- Fixed radio field label issue
- Updated Ajax routes to Rest Routes
- Updated filter & action hooks naming convention with older hooks support
- Updated translation strings
- Stripe Keys are now encrypted and more secured
- Security Enhanchement with Framework upgrade
= 4.3.25 (DATE: MARCH 15, 2023) =
- Fixes aria-label issue
- Fixes iframe tag issue
- Security: SQL orderby issues fixed
= 4.3.24 (DATE: FEBRUARY 03, 2023) =
- Fixes Accessibility CSS issue
= 4.3.23 (DATE: FEBRUARY 02, 2023) =
- Adds Landing Page Layout Design & Shadow Configurator
- Adds Copy Button & Email option for Save & Resume Form Link
- Adds Clickable Form Step
- Improve Razorpay Modal (color config)
- Updated File Upload Library
- Fixes Inventory Issues with Conversational Form
- Fixes Buddyboss username issue
- Fixes Airtable br tag issue for textarea field
- Fixes Twillo SMS Format
- Fixes Translation Issue For File Upload
- Fixes Google Sheet & Excel Export Format Issue for Repeater Field
- Fixes Excel and CSV Format Issue for Checkable Grid
- Fixes Payment Info on {} shortcode when Product display type is set as Checkbox
- Fixes Resume Step Form Multiple Choice Field Issue
- Fixes Address Field’s Country List Mapping with FluentCRM
- Fixes User Registration Integration’s username issues in URL Slug
- Fixes Post Update Field’s Placeholder
- Fixes Range Slider Field’s Required Option
- Fixes Tags and Lists webhook to work with FluentCRM
- Fixes Mailjet Custom Field
- Fixes Post Update Field’s Conditional Logic Issue
- Fixes Country restriction in google address auto complete
- Adds WPForms Form & Entry Migrator
- Adds Form shortcode page finder
- Improves Form Accessibility
- Fixes Mp3 File issue in Conversational Form
- Fixes Oxygen Builder Popup Form
- Fixes Elementor v3.9.1 popup issue
- Fixes Migration Issue of Gravity Form
- Fixes Numeric Field US format Negative value
- Fixes URL validation for Conversational Form
- Fixes Asterisk Position for Conversational Forms
- Fixes Conditional Shortcode contains ‘&’ character
- Fixes Conversational Form Duplicated Form’s Design Issue
- Fixes Conditional Logic Empty Ruleset for Conversational Form
- Fixes Text Input field’s Max Text Length for Conversational Form
- Fixes Conditional Logic with Calculation for Conversational Form
- Fixes Conditional Logic Enabled Icon on Conversational Form Fields
- Fixes Payment Quantity Field issue on Conversational Form Editor
- Fixes Error Message instant Trigger For Numeric Field on Conversational Form
= 4.3.22 (Date: November 11, 2022) =
- Adds Conversational form to Regular form converter
- Fixes conditional field for EU number style
- Fixes rating field for conditional
- Fixes file upload preview
= 4.3.21 (Date: October 27, 2022) =
- Adds Ninja Forms entry migrator
- Adds Gravity Forms entry migrator
- Adds Birthday field support on Mailchimp
- Improves Sanitization
- Improves Conversational Forms responsiveness
- Improves UX
= 4.3.20 (Date: October 22, 2022) =
- Fixes Date/Time field config bug
= 4.3.18 (Date: October 19, 2022) =
- Improves Turnstile
- Fixes condition checker nullable bug
- Fixes ZohoCRM tags support (Pro)
- Fixes Multi-Select upgrade bug
= 4.3.17 (Date: October 18, 2022) =
- Adds GDPR field in Conversational Form
- Fixes Email Feed duplicate bug
- Fixes Custom Button style in Containers
- Adds HubSpot error handler (Pro)
- Fixes Custom Button style in Step Form
- Improves Multi-Select field
- Improves Conversational Form calculation
= 4.3.16 (Date: October 16, 2022) =
- Adds footer text customization for Slack
- Improves Custom Button styles
- Fixes conditional field rendering
= 4.3.15 (Date: October 10, 2022) =
- Fixes conditional support
= 4.3.14 (Date: October 08, 2022) =
- Fixes calculation module
= 4.3.13 (Date: October 07, 2022) =
- Adds Cloudflare Turnstile
- Adds full admin side translations
- Improves entry page styles
- Improves label placement settings
- Improves Slack integration for Checkable Grid (Pro)
- Improves Password truncate module (Pro)
- Improves AJAX calls
- Fixes CSV export issue (Pro)
- Fixes multiple success message issue
- Fixes conditional logics for Containers (Pro)
- Fixes long file names issue for file upload (Pro)
= 4.3.12 (Date: September 01, 2022) =
- Adds manual control for Container width
- Improves PHP 8 compatibility
- Improves translation for reciept page (Pro)
- Fixes Resend email notification custom recipient bug (Pro)
- Fixes BuddyBoss nickname issue (Pro)
- Improves field deletion UX
- Improves Conversational Forms Captcha
- Fixes Zoho CRM: Customized Lead Status Issue (Pro)
- Fixes Step Form previous session bug (Pro)
- Fixes popup issue for Elementor with conversational form (Pro)
- Fixes user update password issue (Pro)
- Fixes Global Default settings not being applied
- Fixes form submission search for accented characters
- Fixes Rich Text input not working in modal (Pro)
- Fixes Captcha Label placement
- Fixes image upload button issue (Pro)
- Fixes Conversational form Phone field country code issue (Pro)
- Fixes Conversational form payment bug (Pro)
- Fixes iPhone image upload issue conversational form (Pro)
- Fixes http_referer shortcode
- Fixes pending payment entry count of additional shortcode (Pro)
- Fixes URL field issue
- Fixes Rating field option editing bug (Pro)
- Fixes additional shortcode Entry Count
- Fixes Quiz field randomize issue (Pro)
- Fixes Conversational form auto validation message issue
- Fixes Step form issue with submit button (Pro)
- Fixes Conversational form long "Custom HTML Field" issue
= 4.3.10 (Date: AUGUST 04, 2022) =
- Adds Forms type filter
- Improves data sanitization
- Adds Save & Resume form submission (Pro)
- Adds Rich Text Input (Pro)
- Adds Insightly Integration (Pro)
- Adds Mailster Integration (Pro)
- Adds Airtable Multiple table connection (Pro)
- Adds email notification for Pending Payment (Pro)
- Improves Quiz Module (Pro)
- Improves Post Update with ACF (Pro)
- Improves User Update with meta fields (Pro)
- Improves failed integration notification email (Pro)
- Fixes Signature field placement issue (Pro)
- Fixes HubSpot API update issue (Pro)
- Improves email summary
- Improves Resizeable Container
- Fixes Conversational Form issue with Elementor popup
- Fixe User Registration password reset email issue (Pro)
- Fixes Step form data save issue with Checkable Grid field (Pro)
- Fixes Coupon Code issue (Pro)
- Fixes ACF image upload with media upload (Pro)
- Fixes Constant Contact Issue (Pro)
- Fixes br tag issue in Twilio (Pro)
= 4.3.9 (Date: JULY 04, 2022) =
- Adds Resizeable Container Width
- Adds hCaptcha in conversational form
- Improves Regex pattern Condition
- Adds User Profile Update with Fluent Forms (Pro)
- Adds Partial Entry bulk delete (Pro)
- Fixes confirmation message responsive issue
- Fixes conditional logic empty issue
- Fixes form duplicate issue
- Fixes auto captcha option issue with Custom Submit Button
- Fixes tooltip issue
- Fixes Range Slider broken issue for multiple uses on the same page (Pro)
= 4.3.8 (Date: JUNE 02, 2022) =
- Adds Oxygen 4.0 support
- New: Mailjet Integration (Pro)
- Adds auto include CAPTCHA support
- Fixes footer credit HTML tag issue
- Fixes Post update taxonomy issue
- Fixes Pipedrive custom field issue
- Fixes zero custom payment issue
= 4.3.7 (Date: MAY 20, 2022) =
- Fixes error notice display issue
- Fixes file location settings issue (Pro)
- Fixes smart dropdown style issue
= 4.3.6 (Date: MAY 19, 2022) =
- Adds public PDF downloadable option
- Improves Slack integration (Pro)
- Fixes Caldera migrator
- Fixes CSS issue for multiple-choice field options
- Fixes email footer HTML issue
- Fixes Numeric field formatting issue
= 4.3.5 (Date: APR 22, 2022) =
- Adds CLI support 
- Adds Oxygen builder native widget support 
- Adds support for programmatically form rendering 
- Adds digits validation for a numeric field 
- Adds mechanism for adding custom validation rules 
- Adds {all_data_without_hidden_fields} shortcode
- Improves payment status translations 
- Improves deactivated form styles 
- Fixes help message tooltip position issue 
- Fixes tooltip behavior in Elementor Popup 
- Fixes reCAPTCHA v3 issue in Elementor Popup 
- Fixes entries table style 
- Fixes dropdown open style issue 
- Fixes Elementor widget issue
= 4.3.4 (Date: MAR 21, 2022) =
- Adds Quiz module (Pro)
- Adds amoCRM integration (Pro)
- Adds OnePageCRM integration (Pro)
- Adds Pipedrive integration (Pro)
- Adds phone number support for ZohoCRM (Pro)
- Adds other data center support for ZohoCRM (Pro)
- Adds email notification support for failed integrations (Pro)
- Adds resubscribe option for MailerLite (Pro)
- Adds dynamic default value for payment item (Pro)
- Adds support for programmatically license management (Pro)
- Adds smart search for the chained select field (Pro)
- Improves payment item display for radio fields (Pro)
- Fixes payment item value zero issues (Pro)
- Fixes payment method selection issue (Pro)
- Fixes Stripe donation issue (Pro)
= 4.3.4 (Date: MAR 18, 2022) =
- Adds configuragion option for email summary subject
- Adds RTL support for backend
- Adds Datepicker field language support
- Adds integration search option on form settings
- Adds elementor popup support for Conversation Forms
- Adds quick form deactivation toggle option
- Adds Timezone preset for Dropdown field
- Improves calculation module
- Improves chained select CSV upload
- Improves conditional rendering module
- Improves Select field data rendering
- Improves entry user update module
- Fixes US style numerical value calculation
- Fixes shareable link bug
- Fixes mask field bug
= 4.3.3 (Date: FEB 25, 2022) =
- Fixes multiple calculated custom payment issue
= 4.3.2 (Date: FEB 24, 2022) =
- Adds address field inputs reordering option
- Adds reCAPTCHA to Conversational Forms
- Adds line break support for textarea field
- Adds warning modal for Conversational Forms conversion
- Fixes empty input in all_data filter issue
- Fixes range slider field reset issue
- Fixes calculation field initial state issue
- Fixes file upload issue in PHP@8.1
- Fixes country list issue in address field
= 4.3.1 (Date: FEB 14, 2022) =
- Adds AffiliateWP integration (Pro)
- Adds Zoho CRM integration (Pro)
- Adds ClickSend integration (Pro)
- Adds CleverReach integration (Pro)
- Adds Phone Number validation message configuration (Pro)
- Adds conditional block support in PDF Feed
- Fixes payment hooks for FluentCRM
- Fixes custom payment issue for one time billing
- Fixes Phone Field country settings (Pro)
- Fixes Range Slider width
- Fixes Stripe Subscription meta data
- Fixes Stripe Inline customer information
- Fixes Checkable Grid stat in Entries' Visual Data Report
- Fixes payment issue in Elementor Popup
- Fixes PayPal empty cart issue
- Fixes Salesflare custom fields issue (Pro)
- Improves partial entry sorting
= 4.3.0 (Date: JAN 18, 2022) =
* New: Other form plugins migrator
* New: hCaptcha field
* New: Discord & Salesflare integration (Pro)
* New: Payment features and File/Image upload field in Conversational Forms (Pro)
* Malicious attack prevention mechanism
* Support for advanced date configuration in Conversational Forms
* Placeholder settings input for Conversational Forms
* Advanced configuration of country field for Conversational forms
* Validation rule message settings for Email and URL fields
* Fixed PDF Feed issue on form duplication
* Fixed url validation regex
* Fixed Gutenberg block css class issue
* Fixed Gutenberg block shortcode issue for Conversational Forms
* Fixed PHP 8 warning issue
* Improves backend translations
* Removes file & images link from parser when auto delete enabled
* Improves Helper Shortcode for submission count of payments
* Improves Step forms for Autoslider with HTML input
= 4.2.1 (Date: SEP 01, 2021) =
- Improvements on Conversational Forms
- RTL Improvements
- UI Improvements
- New developer APIs
- Performance improvements for form submissions
= 4.2.0 (Date: SEP 1, 2021) =
* Autocomplete with Google Maps
* New Payment Gateway (Paystack)
* On-site payment visa Stripe without redirection
* Subscription payment option
* New "Connect to Stripe"button (no API key needed)
* Modal Checkout for Razorpay
* Calculate values with Repeater Field
* Filterable API Logs
* Payment Pages & Subscription Management
= 4.1.5 (Date: JUL 13, 2021) =
- Improvements on Conversational Forms
- Help Message positioning
- Predefined Data Set for Checkable Input Fields
- Raw HTML Email Templates
- Regex on conditional Logic
- Other Improvements
= 4.1.0 (Date: JUN 30, 2021) =
* New Payment Methods – RazorPay and Mollie
* Improvements on Conversational Forms
* MetaBox Plugin integration
* Sharable Landing Page
* Introducing ReCaptcha V3
* Elementor Integration Widget Improvements
* Other Improvements
 = 4.0.0 (Date: JUN 08, 2021) =
 - Introducing Converstional Forms
 - Customizing Form Layout
 - Overall Form Design 
 - Social Sharing Meta for Landing page
 - Form Sharing(Even in Another Site)
 - PHP API(New)
 - Other Improvements
 - Payment Modules Improvement
 - PHP 8.0 Support
 - Various Integration Improvement
 - Custom Submit Button
 - UI & UX Improvement
= 3.6.74 (Date: MAY 27, 2021) =
- Hot Fix: Form hide issue fixed after submission
- A big update is coming soon
= 3.6.72 (Date: MAY 22, 2021) =
- Fixes Sanitize Data and Escaping on render for custom CSS and JS
- Sub-Page Slug URL escaping issue fixed
- Mailchimp Data Sanitization Fixed
- Includes Licenses txt files
- Fix smart filter UI saving
- Added Column Re-order and show and hide data for form entries
- Added ReSubscribe option for Mailchimp
= 3.6.70 (Date: MAR 09, 2021) =
- Fix Form Scheduling
- Fix Preview Page Slug
 = 3.6.68 (Date: MAR 06, 2021) =
 - PHP 8 deprecated issue fixed
 - Export and Import Form/Entries Nonce issue fixed
 - Add Date range selection on entries chart 
 = 3.6.67 (Date: MAR 05, 2021) =
 - Refactored VueJS build system, Form editor is now 40% faster.
 - Nonce check issue fixed on admin ajax
 - Coupon issue fixed
 - Added Hooks for Smart Codes
 - Added Week-days to Date Field
 - PHP 8 compatibility issue fixed
 = 3.6.65 (Date: FEB 09, 2021) =
 - Payment Coupon: Add coupon field to your payment form
 - Add Multiple Stripe and PayPal account to Form level
 - Telegram Messenger feed added
 - Randomize /Shuffle checkable options
 - PHP 8.0 support – Fluent Forms is not 100% compatible with PHP8
 - Limit how many option a user can select for a select field.
 - UI improvements
 - Elementor Widget improvement
 - Better CSS loading time
 - FluentSMTP support
 - Replace icon fonts with SVG 
 = 3.6.62 (Date: DEC 20, 2020) =
 - New: Added Post/CPT selection
 - Payment Integration Improvement
 - Step Form Improvement
 - SendInBlue improvement
 - Database Improvement
 - Smartcode improvement
 - UI Improvement 
= 3.6.61 (Date: DEC 01, 2020) =
* New: Ability to delete old entries
* Calculation Performance boost
* Live calculation value update on the slider element
* Form Builder screen improvement
* Smartcode parser improvement
* Non-ASCI chars handling when redirecting fix
= 3.6.60 (Date: Nov 23, 2020) =
* NEW: Built-in Double Optin Confirmation (Bye Bye Spams)
* NEW: Replay to any integration feeds manually
* New: BuddyBoss integration
* New: Number formats on the fly for numeric fields
* New: Import Global Styles from another form
* New: Dynamic Input Values as Label HTML (Live Update)
* New: Inline Conditional Tags on CRM integration Feeds
* Improvement: Oxygen Builder & ACF Integration
* File Upload and Step Form improvements
* Many other small bug fixes and improvements
* Overall UI/UX improvement
= 3.6.51 (Date: AUG 24, 2020) =
- UI/UX improvement
- Conditional Logic Improvement
- Added Advanced Conditions
- Plain Text Email issue fixed
- Elementor Popup integration issue fixed
- Email Notification issue fixed
= 3.6.42 (Date: JUL 28, 2020) =
- Email sending issue has been fixed
- Input background issue has been fixed
- Cleaner All entries chart
= 3.6.41 (Date: JUL 27, 2020) =
* New Integration - automizy
* Conditional Text Blocks for Email/Success Message
* Conditional Email Routing based on input values
* Validate Uniqueness for Text Input values
* See more details for API calls and retry if not success
* MailerLite issue fixed
* Translation Issue fix
* Partial entries issue fixed
* Twillio SMS issue fix
* Replaced select2 with choices.JS library (cool)
* Enable Search option for single select options
* Reset selects after form submission bug fix
* Popup issue fix for Elementor
* Added new tooltip style for better visibility
* Translation loading issue fixed
* Slack Notification issue has been fixed
* Internal Improvements and Performance increase
= 3.6.31 (Date: JUL 3, 2020) =
* Conditional Logic improvement (Now you can add Conditional Logic to Containers)
* Query String php notice fixed
* wp_date() support for older versions
* Added "Mark as Favorite" in the entry details page
* Email Summary Error Issue fixed
* Taxonomies issue has been fixed for container fields
* File Upload for drag and drop issue fixed
* Dutch translation has been added
* RTL support has been added for some elements
= 3.6.22 (Date: JUN 19, 2020) =
* Brand new UI for Form Builder
* Introducing Partial Entries for Step Forms
* Advanced ACF Fields Support for Post Creation Feed
* Additional Regional Payment Methods for Stripe
* Introducing Weekly Email Summary for all of your forms
* See All the Entries aggregated from all the forms
* Better Oxygen Page Builder Support
* Advanced Form Validation (Less Spam)
* Introducing Elementor widget
* Added German Language File
* Mobile-friendly Admin Panel
* Conditional logic issues for “less than” and “less than equal”
* Added priority-based country selection
* Added Kosovo to the country list
* Elementor and Oxygen popup issues for step forms
* Option to position input labels below the fields
* Added layout option to make Radio/Checkbox as Button Selection style
* Passwords will be now truncated after feeds and API calls completed
* Added conditional source support for Hidden Fields
* Many Bug fixes and added improvements
= 3.6.0 (Date: JUN 18, 2020) =
- Brand new UI for Form Builder
- Introducing Weekly Email Summary for all of your forms
- See All the Entries aggregated from all the forms
- Better Oxygen Page Builder Support
- Advanced Form Validation (Less Spam)
- Introducing Elementor widget
- Added German Language File
- Mobile-friendly Admin Panel
- Conditional logic issues for “less than” and “less than equal”
- Added priority-based country selection
- Added Kosovo to the country list
- Elementor and Oxygen popup issues for step forms
- Option to position input labels below the fields
- Added layout option to make Radio/Checkbox as Button Selection style
- Passwords will be now truncated after feeds and API calls completed
- Added conditional source support for Hidden Fields
= 3.5.6 (Date: APR 29, 2020) =
* BIG: PDF module has been added, Now you can send PDF via email or download
* BIG: Added Payment Summary Field
* Added *Not Contains* conditional Logic
* Field Improvements, Now you can use repeater field for calculations
* Auto Delete Files on Submission entry delete
* Integration Upgrades, Now yoy can see all the integration calls and responses
* Lots of improvement under the hood
* More than 150+ human hours + 50+ coffees (sorry, we lost count)
= 3.5.5 (Date: APR 17, 2020) =
* BIG: Show payment summary as dynamic cart
* BIG: Added Dynamic input values in the form steps
* Conditional Logic on Payment Method Bug fix
* Refactored Frontend Javascript, For a basic form, it will load only 12KB JS
* 3rd Party Integrations Bug fix
* + Awesome goodies under the hood!
= 3.5.4 (Date: APR 09, 2020) =
* Quantity Bug Fix for Payments
* Added Color Input Field
* Refactored Conditional Logics JS
* Form Builder Improvement
= 3.5.3 (Date: APR 03, 2020) =
- Conditional Logic improvement
- T&C and GDPR UI improvement
- Submission JS improvement
= 3.5.1 (Date: APR 02, 2020) =
* PayPal Sandbox issue fixed
* Payment Calculation Bug Fix
= 3.5.0 (Date: MAR 30, 2020) =
* Payment Features added
* Stripe Payment Method
* PayPal Payment method
* Payment and Donation Management
* CRM Integration - Drip
* Editor Improvement
* MailChimp tags update issue fixed
* Internal Architecture Improvement
* Akismet Integration
* CleanTalk Integration Bug Fix
* Other bug fixes and improvements
= 3.2.3 (Date: FEB 29, 2020) =
* Added Landing Page Feature for Forms
* Step Form improvement
* Google Sheet Integration Improvement
* User Signup role selection fixed
* Post Submission Meta Fixed
* Added round() function to calculations and other improvement
* Other improvement
= 3.2.1 (Date: FEB 15, 2020) =
* Chained select upload issue fixed
* Form Calculation issue fixed
* It's a very minor update so no new features (sorry)
= 3.2.0 (Date: FEB 10, 2020) =
* New integration Trello
* User Registration Module on form submission
* Post/CPT Creation on Form Submission
* New CRM Integration: Sendinblue
* New Field: Chained Select
* Add Unique feature to Email Field
* Prefix and SUffix feature in numeric field
* Added options to add container class
* Resend Email Notifications
* Overall performance imrovement
* Editor and Form rendering improvement
* Constant Contact version change to v2
= 3.1.5 (Date: DEC 31, 2019) =
* Advanced Form Styler
* Graphics enabled radio/select fields (Yes! You can add photo to a check option now)
* Advanced Polls/Survey Fields and Reporting
* Advanced Calculation for checkable fields
* New Field: Net Promoter Score
* New CRM Integration:
* Interest Group Field added to MailChimp integration
* Added Media uploader to HTML fields
* Several Typo Fix
* Reset Form Analytics
* Ability to send email as Plain Text
* Improve Email Delivery process
* Date-Time Field improvement
* Form init Javascript Refactored
* File Upload button UI improvement
* Sorting issue fixed from checkable options
* Improved form validation message for checkable fields
* +28 issues have been resolved in this release
* Total ~180 commits submitted to git (in this version alone)
= 3.1.1 (Date: DEC 04, 2019) =
* Security update for jQuery File upload Library
= 3.1.0 (Date: NOV 19, 2019) =
* Added Google Sheet integration
* Added Custom submit button for inline forms
* Added Slider input type
* Added Gutenberg block
* Added native form widget for sidebars and widget arias
* Added advanced options to date input
* Added step attribute to numeric field
* Fix form permission and role issue
* CSV/Excel export issue fixed
* File attachment list view improved
* Added hidden fields to conditional logics
* Fix submission error handler
* Added global activity logs
* Improved Form Editor UX
* Added success message for redirect type confirmations
* Integration improvements
* Internal improvements
= 3.0.8 (Date: NOV 06, 2019) =
* Form PopUp shortcode added
* Empty form submission issue resolved
* Admin UI improvement
* File Upload issue resolved
* Added extra css class to containers.
* Fix ' and " in value issue
* Editor Improvement
* Added more hooks for developers.
* Elementor Pro Popup issue fix for reCaptcha
= 3.0.6 (Date: NOV 03, 2019) =
* Email sending issue fix
* ActiveCamapign Integration fix and form attachment added.
* Added input field's tabindex
* MooSend Integration Fix
* Conditional Logics improvements.
* Dynamic Error Message fix.
* Elementor PopUp Compatability
* Compliance Settings improvement
* Section Break alignment fix.
* JS Duplicate event fix.
* Export-Import Forms fix.
* Use WP timestamp as a default
* Checkbox value parse fix.
* Help messages added to name fields
= 3.0.5 (Date: OCT 20, 2019) =
* Email sending improvement
* Step Text improvement and Translatable
* Added HIPPA & GDPR Compliance option for deleting entries on form submission
* Added User meta as default value
* Fixed element attributes special chars
* Added RTL support
* Fix submit button styling issue.
* Fix Multi-site Update Issue
* Internal Improvements
* Shortcode Parser Improvements
* Improve Default values
* Added More hooks for developers
* Ability to hide name field's label
= 3.0.3 (Date: OCT 16, 2019) =
* Email sending bug fix
* Typo fix
* Added Submission Properties to Smart Codes
* Added symetric html to file upload
* Add option to hide labels
* Multsite installation fix
* Honeypot added
* Webhook integration improvemt
* Added GIST integration
= 3.0.0 (Date: OCT 13, 2019) =
* All new form editor screen with simple, powerful and clean interface
* Built-in Data analysis tool for form submissions.
* Email bug fix
* Added new db table for advanced reporting
* Submit button styling and customization option
* Improved form security
* Form Preview re-engineered now. In any theme, it will work fine.
* Exporting data issue fixed
* Entry status management improvement
* File upload issue fixed
* Lots of integration added
* Global Integration and Module manager.
= 2.8.0 (Date: APR 10, 2019) =
- Improved Integrations
- Improved File upload features
= 2.7.0 (Date: JUN 28, 2018 ) =
- Added Lots of Integrations
- Added New Form Fields
= 2.0.1 (Date: JUN 01, 2019) =
- Added lots of UI improvement
- Added option to add custom css and JS
- Added response filter options
- Added an option to export data
- Added Dashboard widget for a quick look
- Fixed for some form fields
= 1.8.0 (Date: APR 10, 2019) =
- Fix conditional logic for multiple dropdown fields
- Added clean, responsive html email templates
- Improved integrations
- Added few filter and action hooks for developers.
- Improved backend performance
- Added pre-written email on default forms.
= 1.7.5 (Date: NOV 19, 2018) =
- Small Fixes for COnditional Logic
- Added option to give access of Fluent Forms to other user roles
- Fixed editor Sidebar Elements disorder
- Added More hooks for developers
= 1.7.4 (Date: OCT 31, 2018) =
- Fix for some theme compitability
- CSS fix for rating field
- Minor fix for CSV export for contact forms
= 1.7.3 (Date: OCT 27, 2018) =
- Conditional Logic Bug fix for Internet Explorer
- CSS fix for other browsers
= 1.7.2 (Date: OCT 20, 2018) =
- Minor Bug Fixes
- Change Form Submission Process, Now the form submission process is more faster
= 1.7.0 (Date: OCT 11, 2018) =
- Added Lots of New features
- Added Brand New Fields
- Improved Performance by around 50%
- Added Integration Bugs
- Conditional Fields have more options
= 1.6.0 (Date: JUN 28, 2018) =
- Added More Integrations
- Added Rating fields
- Improved Export Entries
- Added GDPR Compliance
= 1.5.3 (Date: APR 30, 2018) =
- Improved Conditional Logics
- Fixed Builder Drag and Drop Bug
= 1.5.2 (Date: APR 24, 2018) =
- Support for php 5.4
= 1.5.1 (Date: APR 20, 2018) =
- Fixed Admin Screen bug fix for special directory names for some servers
= 1.5.0 (Date: APR 19, 2018) =
- Added Mask Input Field
- Added Submit Button Customization
- Added Dynamic Default Value from $_GET Parameter
- Added + icon on Form Editor for faster Form Create and Edit
- Placement of Required Items *
- Added Ratings component
- Added dynamic fields on Redirects
= 1.4.3 (Date: MAR 24, 2018) =
- Added Name Input Field transformer
- Make the input fields settings more User Friendly
- Added Admin Label for all the elements
- Fix Recaptcha on Form Submission
- Restricts special chars on name attributes
- Terms and Condition field bug fix
- By default showing the entries latest first
- Added compact mode on all entries page
= 1.4.0 (Date: MAR 19, 2018) =
- Whole New Form Builder Editor
- Improved the overall performance
- Added More Input Fields
- Reviewing form entries is more easy by going next and previous.
- Added capability to add custom fields for 3rd party developers.
= 1.3.4 (Date: FEB 20, 2018) =
- Fixed conflict with Jetpack
- Added loading at form submission.
- Improved entry view
= 1.3.0 (Date: FEB 17, 2018) =
- Refactoring Form Builder for better performance
- Added Image as Submit Button on form
- Fixed conflict with Jetpack
- 20% performance increase at backend
= 1.2.5 =
- Google Recaptcha iOS UX Improvement ( Thanks to Antonio Lucio )
- Unread Entries Navigation Improvement
= 1.2.4 =
- Fixed Google Recaptca Conflict with Contact form 7
- Form Builder Fixed for Safari
= 1.2.3 =
- Fixed Google Recaptca
- Added Next and Previous Button on Form Entry
- Simple Hidden Fields Editor
= 1.1.3 =
- Added More fields
- Added more Field Customization options
- Fixed select and radio fields
- Mailchimp double opt-in support
= 1.1.3 =
- Fixed Mailchimp List Selection
= 1.1.2 =
- Fixed Mailchimp Double Opt-In issue
= 1.1.0 =
- Added Mailchimp Integration
- Added Slack Integration
- Added Label positioning for each form element
- Added Country Field
- Improvements of Conditional Logic rendering
- Lots of Improvement in Form Builder
= 1.0.0 =
- Init the most Advanced form builder plugin

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