Ninja Tables Demo: Configure your tables in just a Few Clicks!

First NameLast NameStatusDOBDescriptionJob TitleStarted
RaynaHanerActive1328063684099Fresco Artist13222566777809796551777
AnnemarieDifrancoActive1306084928428High School History Teacher1372228477152-243364764871
SanfordRobareActive1320311035603Childrens Pastor1305288265938396856387305
RigoberoKylesDisabled1323378312050Clinical Services Director1300611322852520779438139
AlonzoSlussDisabled1306250472732Work Ticket Distributor1324931629449-70696109571
SephnieFurnissDisabled1328537661229Airline Transport Pilot1262352819832-208470005221
SolomonHoosDisabled1361017366363Hydroelectric Machinery Mechanic1347448045046217806701541
LashandaHanDisabled1358488580058Jig Bore Tool Maker1293765672167391239354537
JuaHanDisabled1311319698803Language Translator1365534589598400915225263
KarenaHoosDisabled1353397687014Auto Detailer1301509865102631601522594
EddyHoslerDisabled1324870551604Clinical Services Director1373012769851-194922282043
DaleneLandaDisabled1286107276263Appliance Parts Counter Clerk132492446770824207137199
MargeneMosherDisabled1303205329300Biology Laboratory Assistant128699879249662673690301
KarenaHeinenActive1301363406186Blackjack Supervisor1310740393197-106849237369
LilianKeaslerActive1379338865744Clinical Services Director1273867635164538265332019
JuaLandaSuspended1290247932185Post-Anesthesia Care Unit Nurse1365669511819737968418268
JudiSinclairDisabled1386588334139Psychology Professor1294211025461155681404978
LashandaSprouseDisabled1316084117018Religious Activities Director131606717089291346612415
RenaaHalladaySuspended1266125739375Parachute Officer1302102439785511945232030
BearizWeiszActive1267208080424Garment Presser1304798629095284869491410
MarquiaMosherSuspended1273042435275Internal Medicine Nurse Practitioner1265310243871177609763667
RonaDewittSuspended1335033410043Financial Accountant128925481701738998166666
LaurenaNicleyActive1298402135427Electrical Lineworker1305036956285294327063732
AnnamariaCarascoDisabled1339746726130National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing Driver1371632761733592613924192
MurielMoudySuspended1271264809655Youth Pastor1322828230224-297968133283
AlonzoSmelcerActive1287694686975Wood Fence Installer1369341414033569380396890
RivkaHanActive1301286454579Wood Fence Installer13285983601453671527704
GwenDauenhauerActive1289906089606Aircraft Landing Gear Inspector1324151056446705064528941
UshaLanSuspended1386242198283State Archivist1351795449834107377361896
AnoninaGoodlowSuspended1312083141432Psychology Professor1314293773714539852207793
VelveHeinenSuspended1290958285342Wood Fence Installer1323415217515714281748823
CarieHylandActive1290958285342Appliance Parts Counter Clerk1310748736164476485405199

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Video Demo

With Ninja Tables, you can customize and configure your tables with just a few clicks. Users don’t have to write CSS class to configure their tables. Here goes a list of the functionalities of each customization options Ninja tables offers:

Hover Rows:

If you want your table to be interactive, this can be a good option for you. Enabling this option adds a hover effect in your tables. That means, whenever a user is hovering their cursor over your tables, the cursor adjacent cell/row will be shown with a hover effect.

Bordered Table:

Long tables can be confusing if the cells are not separated. On the other hand, not all tables look good with borders. That’s why Ninja Tables comes with an option that enables you to create tables with bordered cells. At the same time, you can also remove these borders with just a click if it doesn’t look good.

Striped Rows:

To give your users better visibility of their tables and improving UX as well, you can make their tables striped with Ninja Tables. This ensures that your audience doesn’t confuse between two adjacent rows while surfing through lots of data.

Compact Table:

This enables you to give your tables a compact view. If you are tabulating a huge amount of data, then this feature might come in handy for you.

Fixed Layout:

This feature enables you to utilize your tables’ space better. It automatically organizes the cluttered data and gives it an optimized look.

Single Line Cells:

Often we see long contents in table cells. Such contents break the regular format of the table and make it look odd. That is why you can enable the Single Line Cells to feature to make sure your table doesn’t look awkward. This feature makes sure your table cells are not getting bigger to allocate the data put in it, but adjusting the data to keep the table cells uniform. The whole data can be seen whatsoever, by clicking on the cell.

Customize Table Colors:

Sometimes you feel super zesty than your regular days. Or, you have this off the charts theme in your site and you want your tables to go along with it. Or you are simply bored of the color white, and tired of seeing white colored tables everywhere? No worries, from now on you can choose colors from the rainbow! Just zero in on a color that suits your purpose most in just a couple of clicks.

Upgrade to Ninja Tables Pro
Upgrade to Ninja Tables Pro and make your tables more powerful

Learn how to customize table colors here:

Table color customization by Ninja Tables

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