Change Log

== Changelog ==
= 3.0.0 - Nov 08, 2021 =
- Adds New codebase & security improvements
- Adds Mollie payment gateway (One-time payment)
- Adds Razorpay payment gateway (One-time payment)
- Adds Paystack payment gateway (One-time payment)
- Adds Activecampaign CRM
- Adds Mailchimp CRM
- Adds Asynchronous notification trigger
- Adds FluentCRM integration
- Adds Aweber CRM
- Adds Slack integration
- Adds Coupon with multiple subscription
- Adds Bulk Resend Notification
- Adds Theme independent form preview
- Adds secure API implementation
- Adds reCaptcha validation on global reCaptcha settings
- Adds Entry UI/UX Improvement
- Adds Gutenberg Block
- Adds Debug environment
- Adds Payment pending notification on receipt
- Adds New payment shortcodes
- Adds New entry filter
- Adds Searchable editor fields
- Adds Password field
- Adds Email attachments
- Adds Create user on submit/payment paid (if any pay item)
- Adds Entry-Log tag & Log remove option
- 10+ new unlisted features for developers & users
- Fixes Coupon issue for zero decimal
- Fixes Coupon min-amount validation issue
- Fixes Invoice empty payment item issue
- Fixes Custom amount shows ceil value issue
- Fixes User input pay amount button issue
- Fixes Email Handler issue
- Fixes Inline payment coupon issue
- Fixes Button processing text translation issue
- Fixes Submission local time issue
- Fixes PayPal 100% coupon issue
- Fixes Email special character issue for post_title
- Fixes Duplicate login notification issue
- Fixes Empty form items validation issue
- Fixes 20 more unlisted bugs

= 2.1.0 - Mar 17, 2021 =
- Fixes Zero-amount on payment issue
- Fixes Rounding error issue on tax

= 2.0.3 - Mar 17, 2021 =
- Fixes checkout logo upload issue

= 2.0.2 - Mar 15, 2021 =
- Fixes footer merged issue

= 2.0.1 - Mar 05, 2021 =
- Adds nonce security for ajax
- Fixes resend notification issue

= 2.0.0 - Feb 17, 2021 =
- Adds resend / manual email notification
- Adds disable fields for later use
- Adds user access control / role base access
- Adds quick update entry status (new/read)
- Adds terms condition field to free version
- Adds abandoned item filter
- Adds recurring quantity for stripe
- Adds bulk delete option for entries
- Adds payment field with photo
- Adds max quantity for tabular item
- Adds transaction-id shortcode
- Adds shortcode for all_input_field_html_with_empty
- Adds recurring payment for dashboard widget
- Adds new entry count on menu
- Fixes recurring subscription daily basis
- Fixes stripe long-meta data issue
- Fixes confirmation page shortcode issue
- Fixes stripe-customer name and email issue
- Fixes payPal recurring notification issue
- Fixes timestamp on universal timezone issue
- Fixes title bar typo
- Fixes elementor popup issue
- Fixes missing translation issue
- Fixes payPal docs link issue
- Fixes required login message issue
- Fixes non paid item on receipt
- Fixes shortcode on url issue
- Fixes multi-site deprecated hook issue
- Fixes email empty fields issue
- Fixes payment success action hook issue
- Fixes created and entry time mismatch
- Fixes missing placeholder for confirm email
- Fixes file upload issue
- Fixes recurring payment currency icon issue
- Fixes missing stripe billing info on multiple payment

= 1.9.91 - May 02, 2020 =
- Stripe Payment Issues has been resolved
- CSV export issue fixed
- Receipt Issue resolved
- IP logging issue resolved

= 1.9.8 - February 02, 2020 =
- Improve SCA Payments processing
- Fix few form handling bug
- Internal Architecture improvements
- Fix email and receipt email issues
- Ability to push all the form data as stripe meta

= 1.9.3 - September 15, 2019 =
- Improved Payment Receipt
- Upgrade Stripe API version
- Fix Currency Formatter
- Email bug issue fixed

= 1.9.2 - September 15, 2019 =
- Improved Stripe Thank you page
- 0 Quantity product bug fix
- Validation Bug fix
- Better asset management
- Date Field bug fix
- Internet explorer error fix
- PHP improvement

= 1.9.0 - September 13, 2019 =
- SCA integration
- Added Stripe Checkout version 3
- Fix Date Picker Bug
- Frontend Notification Fix
- Frontend Validation
- Fully re-write the frontend JS. It's more faster now
- Design improvement

= 1.2.6 - August 08, 2019 =
- Fix Stripe webhook
- Addded Advanced settings in editor
- Added payment method on placeholders.
- Improve performance

= 1.2.5 - July 18, 2019 =
- Added Google reCaptcha version 2 and 3
- Fix Asterisk sign
- Fix function undefined error
- Fix issues on various types.

= 1.2.1 - July 01, 2019 =
- Fix PayPal Payments for Taxable Items
- Fix Stripe Trial Period Amounts
- Rename The plugin
- Added source vue files

= 1.2.0 - June 19, 2019 =
- Fix Zero Decimal Currency for other elements
- Added Confirm email field
- Performance Improvement
- Added more developer hooks
- UI Upgrades for Admin Panel
- Added Meta Tables

= 1.1.6 - June 02, 2019 =
- Fix Zero Decimal Currency charges
- Added Dashboard Widget
- Improvement of Editor

= 1.1.5 - March 21, 2019 =
- Added Reporting screen
- New Date Time picker
- HTML field bug fix
- added new hooks for developers
- Stripe Payment Method initialization fix
- Overall improvements
- Added new form fields
- estimated human hours for this release: 60 hours & Coffees

= 1.0.1 - March 01, 2019 =
- Fix small bugs
- Fix pagination issues for form entries

= 1.0.0 - February 15, 2019 =
- initial release

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