Pre-purchase Queries

This article will guide you through the frequently asked questions and their answers that potential customers often have when considering the purchase of the AzonPress plugin. 

What are the Technical Requirements?

To make this AzonPress plugin work properly, we recommend-

  • PHP 5.6 or higher
  • MySQL 5.0.3 or higher
  • WordPress 4.7.5 or the latest.

If you get a stellar web hosting provider, these options will come by default. Choose your hosting from a trusted company.

Can I test a demo?

You can’t create a demo yourself, we have provided some live demonstrations to give you a basic understanding of how the table finally looks.

You can see all the features this plugin contains from the All Feature page. If you’re still in any dilemma, talk to our Support Team.

For further assistance, our documentation is ready to help you install, customize, and maintain the plugin step by step.

Is it compatible with any WordPress Theme?

The default styles and settings of AzonPress are so flexible that they will run perfectly with your existing theme.

If you need any help with the broken style or any other functionality, just let us know. Most of the time, a little CSS can resolve the issue.

Want to know about Licensing?

You can buy the license for one year. Then, you can renew it for next year, and so on. We offer no subscription right now.

As long as your license is valid, you will get all the updates automatically and other facilities without even asking for it.

If you still have any further questions, concerns, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact our @support team. Thank you.

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How can we help?

Please submit a support ticket if you have any question or pre-sale questions. Our Customer support engineers will answer your query as soon as possible

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