20 Affiliate Marketing Mistakes and Their Solutions

  • What exactly is affiliate marketing
  • Why choose affiliate marketing
  • 20 common mistakes affiliate marketers make

Do you want to earn from affiliate marketing? If the answer is yes, then you should be careful about the mistakes that could happen while you are in affiliate marketing. Now I am going to demonstrate some common affiliate marketing mistakes you could make, and you should void those mistakes to happen.

‘Affiliate’ is one of the buzzwords happening in today’s world. If you search on the search engine by typing ‘online money-making method,’ you would probably find Affiliate marketing in the first place. Now, almost all prominent companies offer a special commission for their expected affiliates. This is the most promising business platform of the time. That’s why I am here to write about the context so that people may find something understandable on the topic. Before I go into the deep, let’s discuss some basics of affiliate marketing.

What exactly is affiliate marketing?

affiliate marketing mistakes

In general words, affiliate marketing is a simple policy of earning cash by promoting the products of someone or of a company. In other words, as an affiliate, what do you do? You just join a huge network and promote their products to potential customers by means of the internet. The thing is every time you generate a sale, it’s usually tracked by a unique affiliate link, as a result, you earn a commission. The commission you get could be fixed or tentative, and sometimes it varies from network to network.

Why choose affiliate marketing?

affiliate marketing mistakes

It’s an easy way to get started with little to no investment and earning money from scratch as compared to the other platforms or methods available in the market. In affiliate marketing, you need not have to toil much as you work with the dominant products.

As the product captures the whole market already you just need to promote only, you don’t need to capture the market first, you just promote the products in a dominant marketplace. You also don’t need to build the trust level of your customers.

What you have to do is choose the right product for making a promotion. You don’t need to provide sales services and deal directly with customers on a regular basis.

How easy is it to earn

affiliate marketing mistakes

If you are already wondering in a fancy world after hearing my suggestion, please, take a break from that for a while.

I am sorry to interrupt you If it’s needed I would be a cruel one for a while to be kind forever. If my suggestion makes you unpleasant for a small amount of time, ultimately, it will be resulting in a very exciting pleasant situation.

While I am saying affiliate marketing is easy, there are lots of people out there who aren’t actually making decent money from affiliate marketing. But my statement isn’t a fail-proof statement at all.

Now, one question arises normally, what’s the reason for their failure in earning money through blogging? The reason is maximum people usually make silly mistakes that ultimately turn into a huge blow.

There are no exact rules like a blueprint for affiliate marketing. What works for some people ultimately may not work for you. However, we do some common mistakes when starting an affiliate.

In this detailed post, I am going to share 20 affiliate common mistakes I have experienced in my life, and I saw someone doing the same. I will try to cover the solution for each mistake that happens in the beginning.

20+ common affiliate marketing mistakes with their probable solutions

Almost all the beginners who start affiliate marketing fall into the same trap, and I want to disclose all these things to make things easy for the newbies.

affiliate marketing mistakes

Disclaimer: The solution I am sharing with you isn’t the only way to solve each issue. It’s not necessarily important to follow me blindly. Rather, you can try and make something different by exploring new things.

Before going into the details, I want to outline all these ingredients in a list. Let’s take a look at all the mistakes we do when it comes to starting affiliate marketing. Here is the list of all the mistakes that will be explained in detail:

  1. Maximum Newbies think that they already know everything
  2. Picking niches with low buying intent
  3. Always looking for $1000 products
  4. Living in a fancy world
  5. Targetting high-competition keywords
  6. Neglecting long-tail keywords
  7. Adopting a resource-eating theme
  8. Beginners promoting products just for the money
  9. Starting promotion without actual product knowledge
  10. Picking faulty platforms and products
  11. Focusing on quantity over quality
  12. Doing things that everyone else is doing
  13. Promoting too many products in a row
  14. Not staying focused
  15. Only relying on organic traffic
  16. Promoting unreliable products
  17. Spamming the affiliate links
  18. Dreaming of getting rich quickly
  19. Neglecting the SEO part entirely
  20. Using nulled plugins

Now, let’s get into more details observation.

1. Maximum newbies think that they already know everything!

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This happens in the case of maximum bloggers in their early careers. They think that they have already figured out everything about affiliate marketing. Putting the tendency of having enough knowledge on a specific subject makes them completely eliminate the chances to acquire new experiences and insights.

Content marketing has changed rapidly, and the way it happened has changed a lot. On the internet, there is a lot of free training on affiliate marketing but the thing is many of these are obsolete now. Those things probably worked some years ago but now there is no impact in today’s world of content marketing.


In my opinion, I would suggest that if you want to survive in today’s world of content marketing you have to be open to new things and always try to adapt to the changes through learning. Research the newest awesome case studies and ask for the recommendation and purchase paid tutorials if needed!

2. Picking niches with low buying intent

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Of-course niche is the most important factor in starting with affiliate marketing. Though many experts say that affiliate marketing can work for any niche, I agree with that. But each niche can be modified with affiliate products.

First of all, make a list after analyzing the marketplace and then try to choose the niche from the list which fits your interest.

There are some niches where readers are simply looking for quick information and these niches are not meant for buying any product.  A few examples are given below:

  • Sports news
  • Software Cracks
  • Game Cheats
  • Movie Gossips


These sites are for temporary visitors. Usually, visitors here just look around to pick up some information. Though these sites generate traffic, they are more suitable for contextual advertising. Hence, it’s safe to avoid those niches if your sole purpose is affiliate marketing.

 3. Always looking for $1000 products

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I do agree that the costlier products open doors to larger commissions, but will this costlier products be able to compete with the crazy conversion rate?

You should know that although costlier products have a better commission, their buyers are very limited. Moreover, people don’t purchase those products frequently.

On the other hand, products with average pricing have more regular basis customers and sales.

One simple statistic shows that to earn $100 from the $1000 products category it’s needed one sale and the commission is less. On the other hand, to make $100 from the average products category, you need to sell 10 products in total and the commission would be higher than that of the previous one. In this case, the second category is more profitable with a high conversion rate. Moreover, your site will get ultimately more visitors.


First of all, avoid those products that are highly rated because you would hardly get any customers to purchase those products. Do advertise those products that fit with the average pricing rate. At the same time avoid the seasonal products that are sold in a particular time period. Create a site with daily basis products so that your site would be perfectly matched as an affiliate beginner.

4. Living in a fancy world

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In the affiliate world, there are a huge number of affiliate sites that are actually making a good amount of money based on various niches.

Most beginners try to replicate the success of those websites and they desired to start making money as soon as possible. The problem here is, they don’t know the proper ways to generate a decent income. As a result, it hurts the progress of each site by trying to replicate blindly.


Trying to replicate one’s success is good, but you shouldn’t keep jumping here and there, one person to another, one niche to another. Stick to one niche, one strategy, and try to follow it until your site becomes profitable. You can think further only when you have achieved your goal, and you have made yourself a brand.

5. Targetting high-competition keywords

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Though it’s very easy to get limited competitors using less competitive keywords, in this case, the income could be a limited one. On the other hand, if you target highly competitive keywords with your limited budget, you would probably end up with a better sorry.

It wouldn’t be wise to choose from such keywords as you are a beginner rather it’s advisable for you to avoid such keywords, but the ones with fewer competitors can be taken. As a newcomer, you could probably have the chance to appear on the first page of the search engine by adopting less competitive keywords.


The solution has already been discussed, let’s have a simplified overview then. I would recommend you to do some research on the seed keywords. Use some awesome tools like KWFinder or SEMRush to figure out the exact match keywords. At last, keep those keywords with a low difficulty level instead of taking a higher one.

6. Neglecting long-tail keywords

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As a beginner it seems that all the beginners tend to use targeting seed keywords which is competitive, rather than doing research on long-tail keywords. The result is so pathetic that they can’t rank on the first page or even on the second page.

Usually, long-tail keywords are more specific and longer words a user may seek on the search engine. The thing is, long-tail keywords are less competitive and easy to target. In maximum cases, newcomers don’t use those long-tail keywords.


Instead of going for the more competitive seed keywords, we can use long-tail keywords, as they are the key to ranking and getting traffic initially from search engines. In this case, you can use different tools like SEMrush, KWFinder, and the long tail pro will help you discover the hidden treasures. One thing, try to rely on brand-specific keywords.

7. Adopting a resource-eating theme

affiliate marketing mistakes

Many newcomers use a theme that actually is not worthy enough for working in a proper way. Moreover, loading is a crucial issue for having good traffic. Taking more than 3 seconds to load is a big No in these days.

Using resource-eating themes can sometimes affect page loading, which ultimately brings a wrong expression to your users.


As a beginner, you have to be careful about choosing the right theme for your affiliate marketing. Try to choose a simple design and achieve swift pages in your theme.

8.  Beginners promoting products just for the money

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This is one of the ugliest parts of affiliate marketing. Money shouldn’t be the prime objective all the time rather there is something that always remains that dominates money.

Promoting the products just for money or commissions is unethical. As a new one, before promoting every product, ask yourself first, would you buy this product you are going to promote?


Try to solve the problems of others by promoting any products and that will be the best case for you. Do research first before you going to promote any product, and make sure what kind of products have more demand on the market.

After choosing the perfect products try to focus on the problems that your expected clients actually need, and then promote them in the most convincing way. Always you should keep in your mind that love the job and promote the products to help others, not for money. If you aim to promote the products by helping others, then money will come automatically.

9. Starting promotion without actual product knowledge

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Several marketers make a major blunder by promoting services and products that they don’t use, or don’t even know details about the products. Initially, it may seem alright, but after a while, you will find something that you probably wouldn’t like to see.

It’s not a good idea all the time to promote the products without practical usage or at least knowing about the products in the best possible way.


I always recommend to every affiliate marketer that if they promote a respective product, if possible, try to purchase the product first. If it’s not possible to buy the respective product, at least try to know a bit more details about the respective product, then come to the promotional part. Following this strategy, your affiliate marketing would work very well.

10. Picking faulty platforms and products

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These days there are lots of affiliate programs offering you a smart affiliate income. But from a practical point of view, all the platforms aren’t the best suited for you.

If you are in a low-profile platform and low-quality product, there would be fewer visitors to your website. By chance, if anyone comes to your site and buys a certain product, they will not come to your site anymore. Rather, they will end up spoiling your marketing face value.


Hence, it’s vital that you always try to create a relationship of trust between you and your customers by promoting quality products and services. To ensure such quality products and services, you need to have a quality platform. Therefore, before going to start marketing, find out your appropriate platform to make everything goes well.

11. Focusing on quantity over quality

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It seems that a huge number of newbies always tend to write lots of content on their websites instead of maintaining the proper quality.

Unless you are writing for a newspaper, you need not write too much for your site. Always a huge number of content doesn’t matter. Rather, it’s a limited portion of content with full quality that can impact your conversion.


Instead of focusing on the quantity, try to focus on the quality of your write-up. Give proper attention to this part of your strategy. Write on the issues that matter most for your expected users.

12. Doing things that everyone else is doing

Initially, every marketer or blogger follow blindly what other marketers do. It doesn’t work all the time. In any kind of marketplace, you have to face lots of challenges, and if you want to overcome those challenges, you just show something exceptional from others.

Different marketers have different marketing policies, it might not work with you in the same way.


Create your own strategy to make a difference in the marketplace instead of following others blindly. You can add value to your affiliate offer which is something unique in type. You can follow some of the great marketers but create something different and productive by yourself. Moreover, if you want to follow a marketer, you need to analyse and understand the entire policy of a respective marketer rather following them blindly.

13. Promoting too many products in a row

affiliate marketing mistakes

It’s not always the best idea to promote lots of products through your website. Keep your website as simple as you can so that your expected audience can interact directly with you. Try to promote the products not too less, not too much.

Moreover, when you are promoting lots of products, it seems that you are actually focusing more on money than that on services. The audience also gets confused by seeing lots of products as a whole. Eventually, they are going to end up leaving your website.


Instead of hammering your visitors by making them confused, put your attention solely on their interest and find the solution that they are looking for after facing any specific problem.

14. Not staying focused

affiliate marketing mistakes

Most of the beginners can’t rely on a specific direction, and this could be one of the most major mistakes that happens in the earlier affiliate career. It seems that most of the affiliates want to sell different products instead of any specific category, hoping that they will make more revenue. But more often than not, they end up with a huge failure.

Maximum newcomers think that the more products they could sell, the more they could earn. This notion is not applicable to all situations. Moreover, the blog audience wouldn’t trust you as you don’t have any specific product brand. The same thing happens for the platforms. Run your marketing on some specific renowned platforms. You shouldn’t switch yourself here and there too often.


Therefore, for the newbies, my suggestion would be to stick to a specific category of products. Before making the decision about choosing a category, make a proper study and stick around them. Then you could probably have a trusted audience. Always remember that you must not create any confusion among the audience.

15. Only relying on organic traffic

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If you want to be a successful one, it shouldn’t be wise to be completely dependable on a single thing. In affiliate marketing, selling product is the key to having more revenue to earn. But the sales volume depends on the traffic you generate to your website. There are lots of sources to generate traffic to your site. And of course, traffic from the search engine isn’t the whole thing.

Though most marketers rely heavily on the search engines, there are other opinions as well. You can try to rank on Google, but Google may not rank your pages. It can happen more often than you might think. But at this point, stop worrying about it and start concentrating on generating traffic from other sources like referral, social media, direct, etc.


First of all, you need to be cool and patient enough. Next, start building your blog by making quality content on a specific topic and publishing them. Try to start an SEO campaign to tap different traffic sources. Write quality posts mainly targeting long-tail competitive keywords and concentrate on them.

16. Promoting unreliable products

affiliate marketing mistakes

The heart of affiliate marketing is promoting different products in different mediums online. Before promoting the products, make sure that the product is authentic and not a scam.

For instance, on Facebook, there are lots of promotional pages where you can have lots of scamming product links. So you need to be careful about the matter.


This is one of the vital issues which should be followed strictly. Again before choosing a product, do a study to make sure that the product is authentic. Review all the products thoroughly before promoting a product on your blog so that the product gain the trust of your audience.

At the same time, if you find any bad product, feel free to write an actual review to your loyal audience and warn them to stay away. This will create a bond between you and your audience.

17. Spamming the affiliate links

affiliate marketing mistakes

Spamming affiliate links aiming of earning money is not a worthy idea to have solid long-term success. If you look at social media, you would probably find this scenario in different groups.

For instance, in the Facebook groups you have joined, you can see these types of posts being posted repeatedly by many people. These are simply annoying for the audience.

Actually, what is the use of this? I think, in most cases, it’s just a waste of time. As novice learners, we should always post lots of blogs considering the quantity only ignoring the quality. Even we don’t know about the product before writing about the product.


Blogging for affiliate marketing is always the best choice for attaining success. Through blogging, you can brand yourself as well, and people will trust you by becoming your regular customer. Try to avoid spamming affiliate links to gain the ultimate trust of your target audience.

18. Dreaming of getting rich quickly

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First of all, I would like to admit that genuinely there is no shortcut to success. Honestly speaking, you need to do lots of hard work; you have to be dedicated to your duty.

In the same way, there is no shortcut to getting rich overnight through affiliate marketing. If someone tries to convince you in that way, just keep in your mind that they are just feeding you a line and might be they have any profit feeding you such line.


Literally, affiliate marketing isn’t an exception to other businesses. If you want to build your career in affiliate marketing, you require a lot of money, and to be a successful one; it just doesn’t happen overnight. I would suggest you be patient even if you don’t earn a single penny from it. Just keep in the right direction, and everything will be settled in a while.

19. Neglecting the SEO part entirely

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Most novice bloggers do ignore the SEO part. As a result, they don’t get the expected results. Remember, if you don’t have enough budget, SEO could be the single best source of targeted traffic.

Though there are other options for having traffic still, search engine is the most dominant in the list. After writing a post, before publishing it, you need to ensure that the whole write-up is totally compatible with the SEO.


Don’t neglect SEO; rather, adopt more necessary options along with SEO, like social media, referrals, and direct sources as I told you earlier. To do keyword research before doing any product review. Check out the best SEO tools before implementing them into your writing.

20. Using nulled plugins

affiliate marketing mistakes

It’s very true that a penny saved is a penny earned. I do agree with the statement.

If I can save $10 using different products from a different store, I will do it for sure. But when it comes to quality issues and the safety of the blog, I wouldn’t compromise in any way.

Likewise, there are hundreds of null plugins out there in the market at a low price. Don’t’ get fooled after seeing these dumb products though they will offer you a lucrative proposal.

You don’t know what kind of malicious code the nulled plugin could contain. With this malicious code, hackers can get access to your site and steal your important data before you get to know about the matter.


In this case, my suggestion would be pretty straightforward. If you can’t afford a premium plugin, look for another free one that could be the alternative to this premium one. There are lots of resources out there in the market, have solid research on these tools out there and choose a comparatively better one. The same thing is applicable to the nulled themes.

Final Thoughts

In fine, I would say to every new affiliate marketer not to get too rushed with the affiliate approach. Take time to prepare yourself and get into the job in a smooth mood. It requires commitment, and knowledge of the products being sold in the market. You also need to have consistent engagement with your potential audience.

Many affiliate marketers with good intentions fail in their early approach because of their unawareness of the blunders of affiliate marketing strategies. Without avoiding these affiliate marketing pitfalls, you can’t cut a good figure in this field.

I hope this article helped you to figure out the issues which you need to be more conscious starting affiliate marketing. If you feel anything to share with me regarding the matter, just put your comments below. I will right be hearing you and get back to you shortly.

Sazzadul Bari

Hi, this is Sazzadul Bari, Digital Marketing Strategist at WPManageNinja. SEO content writing, outreaching, link building, and lead generation are my specializations. And when I am not drooling over WordPress plugins and updates, you'll find me enjoying sports or going through my favorite books.


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