In WordPress, by default, your posts are shown on the homepage on your website. You can change it on your own according to your choice. Now, how can you make this custom home page for your website?
Well, to make it happened, Take a look at a practical example of making it more clear to you. First of all, you need to create a new page in WordPress, and you can name it as ‘Home Page’. Next, you have to create another page by naming ‘Blog’ and you will display it as your blog posts.
Now, go to Settings >> Reading option, then you will have a page containing ‘Your homepage displays‘ option and move to ‘A static page (select below)‘ option.

Then, two input fields will be visible with your created pages containing a dropdown list. Now you can make your home as your choice.

You can also make your own choice in case of your blog posts by clicking ‘Post page‘ option.

You can create a custom home page as well to make your custom home page. To do so, create a new file to your computer using a text editor and add the following code at the top of the page.

Save this file as custom-homepage.php on your desktop.
Now, you have to connect your website using an FTP client and go to /wp-content/themes/your-current-theme/folder. Now you have to upload your file that you have created a few times before. Then, return back to your dashboard and customize your homepage. You will able to choose your custom homepage under the meta box of page attributes.

The page you created is totally empty. Now, you can create your own layout using HTML, CSS, and WordPress.
That is how you can make your custom home page view using WordPress.