Limit the User Login

Limit the User Login - WPManageNinja

By default, a WordPress user can have an unlimited number of attempts to log-in to a WordPress site. This facilitates hackers to try guessing your password until they get it right. It can cost your important documents at any time and that will hamper your functional stability.

Limit the User Login

To resolve this problem a super WordPress plugin has introduced named Login LockDown.  You just need to install and activate the plugin on your site. 

Limit the User Login wordpress

It allows you to set a limit on the number of unsuccessful attempts a user can make to login. It’s simply a cool plugin to handle such kind of situation.

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Sazzadul Bari

Hi, this is Sazzadul Bari, Digital Marketing Strategist at WPManageNinja. SEO content writing, outreaching, link building, and lead generation are my specializations. And when I am not drooling over WordPress plugins and updates, you'll find me enjoying sports or going through my favorite books.

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