This is so big problem for any kind of website. Where your primary objective should be how many visitors become converted to your site, going away from your website is a great obstacle to it.
To fulfil that primary objective, you need to keep your visitors for more than 10 seconds. Because, a Research states that,
“It’s clear from the chart that the first 10 seconds of the page visit are critical for users’ decision to stay or leave.”
So, whatever you try to do, you will always need to keep your visitors for more than 10 seconds. This time actually refers to the engagement between the visitors and the website. The more they stay on a web page, the more chances are there to get involved with your website.
In our today’s post, we are going to talk about the solutions for you and your website.
Stay with us.
We’ll divide this blog into 3 portions to make it easier to read to you. You will see how a website can be effective in 3 simple steps.
So, you need to know about the design section first. A well-designed website can bring more visitors than any other. A good design contains the following elements.
1) Attractive Visual
The most important thing of a good design website depends on its visual. A research says that above 90% of visitors make their first impression on a website based on visual. And if you just think for yourself, you might find its answer. Because, whenever you visit a site, if you don’t feel comfortable with it, you would come with a bitter experience, of course.
So, this makes sense in your design. Surely, a clumsily designed website won’t be on your favourite list, will it? No? Then, we and you are on the same page.
Now, you may ask right now that how you can make a website which is visually attractive. Well, there isn’t any fixed way to build up a well-visualized website. It depends on your eyes in a way. Does it soothe you? If yes, then you can take it as a sign of a good website.
(Make it happen) You can test it by putting it in front of your friends, family or the kind ones. Their result may affect you to determine what would be the possible best for you. Besides, you can put it on any website test pages. They can help you back.
2) Easy Navigation as butter
The visitors of your web page needs to feel free and comfortable in your blog. You have to make sure that they don’t need to think. The moment they start thinking about your post, the very after moment they stop reading your blog.
In a more accurate way, you have to make your website in a way so that your visitors don’t get any interruptions during browsing your website. Just like butter in a bread and putting it in your mouth.
This buttery thing can be done by your navigation system. The easier you make your navigation, the longer your visitors will stay. It’s simple.
(Make It Happen) You can divide your categories for ease access for your viewers. If you have an important or noticeable post to be read, you have to make it to the top of the list. Moreover, you can connect them to the others for better navigation. Be sure to clean the navigation process otherwise, your readers will lose interest in it. And that’s the thing, you don’t want for sure.
3) Connect your contents
If you want your visitors to stay longer, you have to take them in a flow. And as we are saying flow, it means that you have to connect your contents with one another. You may be heard this term as ‘Internal Linking’.
(Make It Happen) You can make it done by creating links between your blogs and pages. If you have a lot of content, SEO Internal Links may help you to get out of it.
Content published on your webpage carries one of the most important roles. So, here are some of our cheats for you. Hope you do well. Cheers!
4) Make Trendy Content For Visitors
Just think for a while that you among your friends chose a topic which was quite familiar with your friends to talk over. What happened next? Most of your friends joined you. Didn’t it? Yes. Do you get the point now?
If you get it, you are smart and if you don’t, don’t feel bad. It happens sometimes. Now what we want to tell you is that when you choose a trendy topic, you will get the maximum participation. And guess what? This is what you need.
Besides, if you face trouble regarding it, you may question yourself as a reader. What would you want if you are a reader or viewer or visitor? And is the blog satisfies yourself? If you get the positive answer, then you are walking on the right path. If you don’t, don’t get upset. You may gather even a better success on it. Who knows?
(Make It Happen) In a nutshell, just see around yourself. What is going around the world? How the things around you are changing. You will get the answer. If you need more help, you may check “How To Stay Up-To-Date In Networking?” for your help.
5) Do a Fair Deal With Your Title
Just think for a while, you wrote a blog. Meanwhile, your blog contains the writings which don’t clear your post. So, it is pretty important that your blog title contains the exact writing.
In the case of naming a blog title, being creative is a good thing. But, you have to keep in mind that your creativity should be focused at to ease.
(Make It Happen)
And Some ETCs
6) Increase Readability
Let’s get to the point. And that is if you write in easy terms, visitors will get the point easily. It’s simple.
If you don’t use easy terms, your writings would be complicated to understand and eventually, you’ll lose your visitors. And let me guess, you don’t want that, do you?
(Make It Happen) You can follow these following ways to increase your blog’s readability :
- Make sub-headlines
- Create short sentence / paragraphs
- Utilise of List
- Use of image in between sentences / paragraphs
7) Go For Different Platforms
There are many types of people, having a different kind of behaviour along with different attitude. This thing goes for reader also. All of them may not contain the same mind. But, you can’t leave them. You can transform your writings for them. And this thing can help you to bring more visitors to your website.
(Make It Happen)